Corporate Financial Incentives
There are a variety of potential financial incentives that your business may be able to utilize when you employ people with disabilities. To obtain complete information for which benefits your business may qualify, e-mail us at: or
Here are some of the most common incentives available:
A. The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)
Provides a tax credit for employers who hire certain targeted low-income groups, including SSI recipients or certified vocational rehabilitation (VR) referrals. The local State Employment Security Agency (SESA) provides the WOTC certification. The Department of Vocational Rehabilitation can help an employer receive payroll tax incentives of up to 40% of the first $6,000 of the employee’s first year wages. For more information on how this program works, consult the U.S. Department of Labor Employment & Training Administration.
B. Job Coach Services:
Provides an employer with an experienced job coach, at no cost, to coach the newly hired worker to learn the job and meet performance standards. This could include anything from task analysis to time management. All supports are individualized to the employers needs. Job coaches can also provide travel training, advocacy, and evaluations for any necessary adaptations to the work place environment.
C. Accessability Tax Credits:
For businesses that may need building modifications to accommodate individuals with disabilities.
D. On-Site Technical Assistance and Training:
Professional advice is available to accommodate the needs of individuals with disabilities at a work site, which may include evaluation of hiring and/or training needs and seminars/workshops for managers and co-workers.